Monday 18 July 2011

He Or She?

A good night's sleep had us feeling refreshed. An omelette was shared at breakfast. I also had a chocolate croissant, and Rachelle had a vanilla donut. It's very hot here and I don't eat much when I'm too hot, so the breakfast was very filling. Today, all we are going to do is relax. We sat ourselves on sun loungers by the pool and spent hours soaking up the rays and cooling down in the water when necessary, or just for fun. The pool bar had us drinking 'healthy smoothies' - banana for me, strawberry for Rachelle.

At lunchtime we were hungry. Luckily for us, there was no need to move, because the pool bar also serves food. It is one of those pool bars that serves you in the pool, with bar stools sunk under the water for sitting on. We ordered our food (burgers) and whilst waiting we tried to decipher if the bartender was male or female. Rachelle pointed out to me that I had referred to 'it' as 'he', whilst 'it' was right in front of us. I was worried about offending 'it'. I didn't want spit on our food. It really was very hard to tell. 'It' had a unisex hairstyle, a fairly high-pitched voice, a physique that looked more masculine than feminine, but a bit podgy, so hard to tell. The face, again, could have been of either gender. It seemed I had gotten away with referring to 'it' as a 'he'. Perhaps 'it' actually was a 'he', or maybe 'it' just didn't hear me. A few minutes later, and when the bartender was right in front of us again, Rachelle said "I don't think he heard you". Knowing she had been gender-specific, I teased and said "who?", and Rachelle replied "he, oh, I mean she...". Despite this displaying a clear lack of knowing the gender of the bartender, in front of the bartender, 'it' didn't seem to notice again. I can only guess that the language barrier saved us. We never found out if it was a he or a she.

After a day at the pool, the evening was upon us. We sat on the beach and ate ice creams, watching all the deck-chairs being packed away. The sunset was turning the sky purple and orange, which reflected off the sea. It made a beautiful place even more beautiful.

For dinner we ate Thai food, and then it was time for some drinks. Well, it was time for me to have some drinks. Rachelle still felt queasy at the thought of alcohol after my birthday night out. First we went to an Irish bar. I don't know what made it Irish though. The staff were Thai, the music was pop, and the green sign that read 'Jordan's Irish Pub' just didn't seem enough to make it so. I managed to get Rachelle to take a couple of sips from my Chang beer, but she wasn't really interested. Afterwards, we headed down to the beach where more bars were situated. They all seemed to be trying to outdo each other with fire shows, flashing lights and speaker volumes. We chose to visit two of them. The fire shows were actually pretty good. Once the flames were put out, we headed back to the room, leaving the pumping music behind.

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